
Darlene Jacques is a Canadian painter currently residing in Vancouver. She is inspired by the natural beauty in nature along with the fusion of people, places and moods experienced as life unfolds. She enjoys versatility in subject and style, with a passion for seascapes and realism.

Her creative journey started at a young age and blossomed after raising a family. For 2 years, she worked under the mentorship of a successful artist at his teaching studio in Calgary, Alberta. Following relocation to Vancouver, Darlene has attended numerous classes with diverse artists, to expand her knowledge and skills in the art world. Acrylic and Oil are her primary medium of choice.

With a career in Interior Design and Home-staging, her attention to detail has resulted in Art work that inspires, tells a story, and expresses individuality.

Darlene is an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, the North Shore Art Guild, and the Vancouver Art Guild.


Federation of Canadian Artists Active Member 2015  to

Art Showings

  • Federation of Canadian Artists Juried Entry (February 2015)
  • North Shore Artist’s Guild Spring Art Sale (May 2015)
  • North Shore Artist’s Guild Summer Art Sale (July 25-26, 2015)
  • Pop-Up Art Show at Lawson Creek Street Studios (August 30, 2015)
  • North Shore Artist’s Guild Fine Art Sale (August 22-23, 2015)
  • Federation of Canadian Artists 365 Art Show, Juried (October 2015)